Potter Minton attorneys recognize the unique nature of local government representation. When we represent public sector clients, we are mindful of our role as an extension of the elected and appointed leadership, and the different needs those clients present.
Similarly, private clients who interact with governmental entities face challenges that differ from those typically faced. We aim to use our experience advising governmental entities to fashion mutually advantageous outcomes.
We are sensitive to the fact that public sector entities operate under close public and media scrutiny. Our clients trust our advice and counsel because they respect our integrity and discretion, and know that our interactions with all parties will always reflect positively on their behalf.
Because of our size and wide variety of experience, Potter Minton attorneys have practical knowledge in virtually every legal issue that could be faced by a local government entity, or by a private entity or individual in their encounter with government. Areas of competence and past legal matters include:
Drafting ordinances
Public Contracting
Franchise Negotiations and Documentation
Building Code Compliance
Annexation Issues
Advocacy before Councils, Commissions, and Boards
Land Use Matters, Zoning, and Litigation
Environmental Compliance
Texas Administrative Procedures
Advising Councils and Boards of Directors
Municipal Court Prosecution
Open Meetings and Open Records
Preparing and Updating Personnel Policies
Municipal Charters
Defense of Labor/Employment Claims Before Administrative Agencies
Government Tort Claims Practice
Compliance with Lobbying Rules and Regulations
Special District Laws
When our clients are faced with litigation, it is handled by a defense team with extensive experience in governmental liability issues. We advocate alternatives to expensive, protracted litigation and encourage arbitration and mediation in appropriate cases.
When our clients are faced with litigation, it is handled by a defense team with extensive experience in governmental liability issues. We advocate alternatives to expensive, protracted litigation and encourage arbitration and mediation in appropriate cases.