May 27, 2016
Potter Minton employees caught clowning around (again)!
May 27, 2016Once again, Potter Minton employees were caught clowning around. But this time, it was all in good fun to...
April 28, 2016
Potter Minton Appreciates their Staff
April 28, 2016We firmly believe that we have, by far, the best support staff around and look forward to expressing our...
December 7, 2015
Staff Holiday Party 2015
December 7, 2015The votes were tallied, and once again, our generous and philanthropic staff voted to forgo their annual holiday party...
October 9, 2015
Potter Minton Goes Passionately Pink 2015
October 9, 2015For the 9th straight year, Potter Minton goes Passionately Pink in October for Breast Cancer awareness in support of...
October 7, 2015
Potter Minton partners with Brownsboro ISD Independent Study Program
October 7, 2015Potter Minton welcomes Miss Ayesha Hayter to our offices for the fall of 2015. Our firm was asked to...
August 5, 2015
…and the trophy goes to?
August 5, 2015On Tuesday, August 4, 2015, the Literacy Council of Tyler hosted their annual fundraising spelling bee. There were 17 teams...
December 11, 2014
Holiday Spirit
December 11, 2014On Friday, December 5th, 2014 the holiday season came early to the offices of Potter Minton. In lieu of...
November 2, 2012
SCYLA Honored by American Bar Association
November 2, 2012The Smith County Young Lawyers Association (“SCYLA”) has been honored with two Awards of Achievement by the American Bar...
May 1, 2003
TDHCA Continued for an Additional 12 Years
May 1, 2003Michael E. Jones, Chairman of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) and Managing Partner of Potter...
Our Tyler address has changed.
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